Terrormanagement im 21. Jahrhundert
Terrormanagement im 21. Jahrhundert
Ausschnitt des Gesprächs mit Christoph Hörstel
Originalquelle des vollständigen Interviews: http://nuoviso.tv/vortraege/politik/274-terrormanagement
Ausschnitt des Gesprächs mit Christoph Hörstel
Originalquelle des vollständigen Interviews: http://nuoviso.tv/vortraege/politik/274-terrormanagement
Ausschnitte aus “KenFM über Facebook”
Ken Jebsen und Sonja Gehner live am 30.10.2011
An dieser Stelle: Vielen Dank !!!
(Note! :Its now Winter in Holland , many contrails will remain a lot longer in the sky ! Don’t get confused , Chemtails will NOT disappear within 3 hours in Summer we could see this much better !)
I sincerely Hope that our Queen Beatrix is being fooled by Rome…….that would leave a great opportunity to work with………..but i guess i’m hoping for something that doesn’t exists……too bad , i would love a honest approach.
Proof Bilderberg members like Queen Beatrix are working with Queen Elizabeth II and are all Knights of Malta and Jesuits.
NWO is controlled from Europe and is prepared for centuries.
They control , UN , NATO ,Monsanto , Olgacom , Royal DSM , KLM , USA and Chinese Companies and much more.